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Oh-Wooo Help Desk

For all your tech support needs at Ohio Wesleyan University

How do I view or print my class schedule?


  1. Log into OWU Self-Service at
  2. Hover over Classes along the top, and select My Schedule. You may then switch between Text and Grid views, using icons in the upper right.
  3. There's a Print link below that toggle.

Here are descriptions of all the day codes you might see on your schedule in the list view:

  • ALL = Every weekday
  • ARR = Arranged
  • MON = Mondays
  • TUE = Tuesdays
  • WED = Wednesdays
  • THUR = Thursdays
  • FRI = Fridays
  • MW = Mondays and Wednesdays
  • MF = Mondays and Fridays
  • MWF = Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
  • TR = Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • TF = Tuesdays and Fridays
  • WF = Wednesdays and Fridays
  • SAT = Saturdays
  • OL = Online/Remote instruction