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How do I review future course schedules before their published?

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Here are instructions to review the accuracy of your future courses in Campustester. The schedule and edits made to it going forward will appear in the live system. Edits will not appear in the test environment.

How to review courses in test:

  1. Go to:
  2. Log in using your single sign-on username and password.
  3. Select Find Courses.
  4. Click on the Advanced Search tab and select the term under review from the Period drop-down menu (e.g. 2018 Fall or 2019 Spring). Skip this step to review both terms simultaneously.
  5. Select your name from the Instructor drop-down menu.
  6. Click on the Search button at the bottom of the page. This will show all courses for the given year and term.
  7. Check the following:
    1. Meeting time
    2. Available seats
    3. Room assignment
    4. Credits
    5. Dual requirements
    6. Prerequisites (including permission requests. As a reminder, the system cannot accommodate Jr./Sr. or permission.)
    7. Course title and description
    8. Instructor name (if part-time faculty, this may not be available right away)
  8. Report changes to the chair/director of the department/program.
  9. Chairs and directors should contact the Registrar’s Office:
    • To request a change to a section’s meeting day/time, the addition of a course and/or new part-time requests.
    • For all remaining edits. Please note that APC approval is required for changes to credit hours and dual requirements (Writing Course, Diversity, and Quantitative). The only exception is the Writing Option (offered to a select few students in a given course).
  10. Chairs/directors should also check for accuracy those sections assigned to part-time faculty.