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How do I see status for wait list or permission request status?

1215 views   |   0 Vote this question as useful.   0 Vote this question as not useful.   |   Last updated on Jan 23, 2025    Student Self-Service Self-Service


Students can check the status of a waitlisted course or permission request by following the instructions here.

  1. Log into Self-Service using your user name and password.
  2. Hover over the Registration tab, and select My Schedule.
  3. Select the List view at upper right. (The Calendar view does not provide you with the status of your requests.)
  4. If needed, change the Period filter to the current registration term (Year/Term).
  5. Check the boxes next to Courses in Cart and Waitlisted Courses.
  6. The status of each course is shown to the right of the course information:

screenshot of OWU Self-Service My Schedule screen with a waitlisted course